Sunday, November 15, 2020

Fabulous images

 Sometimes you see an image that just makes you smile.  Case in Point:

It is one of a series of posters on a shop in downtown Maribor.  The heading translates (more or less) to "Sunshine World".  I have no clue why they are so prominently displayed.  They are about 5 feet square, thus hard to miss.
  Here are the rest of them:

     And if you are not happy by now, then there is something terribly wrong.  Go see a doctor straight away!   My very favorite is the Pepper Girl who looks like she is about to start giggling, and my least favorite is Coffee Girl who looks a little nervous.
     We need this comic relief.  Slovenia is shutting down for at least two weeks.  We've had a lot of restrictions for a while, but now they are getting very serious about it.  COVID cases are climbing rapidly and they want to put a damper on it so they can relax it a little in time for Christmas (or so we think).
    So, now the restrictions are NO groups of any size, except for those who live in the same household.  No visitors in your house.  No being outside your house without a mask - which is even required while in your car.  No travel outside your home city.  If you have more than one house you can be in whichever one you want, but you can't move between them.  Strict curfew starting at 9:00 each evening and continuing until 6:00 in the morning, with significant fines for violations.
    Some businesses are allowed to remain open.  Grocery stores, bakeries, pharmacies, hospitals and doctor offices, bicycle and car repair places, etc.  Churches are not on that list.
     We had been having the young sister missionaries over to our apartment for Sunday Dinner, and a few weeks ago, we also had a select few members who live nearby join us, too.  First the members had to stay away, and now we can't even have other missionaries.  Of course, we could probably get away with it, but we are trying to set a good example and be supportive of the government.  Today, we arranged to quickly meet the sisters outside and exchange some dinner dishes, so that we all have a nice meal, for half the work of it.  I made my World-famous chocolate chip cookies.  The sisters made lasagna.

     Liz is working on a newsletter for members of the church in our branch area.   We can't meet, and haven't been able to for many weeks.  This is kind of devastating for a small, weak branch like ours.  We need the social interaction and mutual support, but we can't get it.  The hope is that the newsletter will be a small ray of sunshine (like the poster girl above).  It has a short message from the branch President.  It has links to Zoom church meetings, including Sunday meeting, Sunday School lessons, Young Single Adult group, Primary Zoom call, etc.  And much more.
    We have an able young man who is doing the translation of it into Slovene, and I am maintaining the mailing list.  We have high hopes.

Yes.  Faith, hope, and charity.  That is the ticket.

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