Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Amazing gadget

 We made an appointment at a medical clinic a few days ago to get blood work done in lieu of an annual physical.   When we walked in the door, the attendants motioned for us to disinfect our hands at a stand by the wall with an alcohol-based cleanser, as is very common here.  As I used it, I was surprised to hear a voice say, "Temperature Normal." in English.  The voice was coming from a non-descript box mounted on the wall right by where your head is when you use the disinfectant.  I might have mentioned this before, but I keep thinking about that gadget on the wall.

   What an amazing gadget it is!!!  Unobtrusive, non-invasive, automatic, pleasant, and terribly effective.   I love that.

I just heard the Secretary of State in the U.S. say that there will be a smooth transition to a 2nd Trump administration, even though the result of the election is clearly a defeat for him.  It has been clear for a couple of days, but Trump is incapable of admitting defeat.  I have to admit that he makes me ashamed to be an American.  This isn't why I served in the USMC.  Coverage of gangs of Trump supporters carrying rifles makes me even more ashamed.  People here tend to like Trump because he married a local woman, but they talk about him like a crazy uncle.  Nobody around here thinks he should be President anymore.  I agree.

This is another photo of the lights put out at the cemetery on the Day of the Dead.  

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