Saturday, October 24, 2020

COVID-19 Grrrr

 Slovenia is now experiencing an explosion of COVID cases.  Every day this week has seen hugely higher numbers of new cases.  As a result, the government has mandated that non-essential businesses shut down for at least a week.  Today, we went and got groceries.  Good thing, groceries are an essential business.

New regulations for Slovenia:

  • Curfew from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am
  • Must wear facemasks at all times when outside your own home
  • Travel between counties is restricted to essentials
  • No meetings of more than 6 people are allowed

Entrance to the Catholic cathedral in Maribor.  Beautiful doorway!

    One of the non-essential businesses is the hotel next door.  We pay a monthly rent to be able to park our car in their underground parking garage.  Yesterday, we and the young sister missionaries went to the branch president's house out on the farm to help his wife with some chores and to conduct some church business with him.  When we got back, the door into the parking garage had the big storm door down.  Fortunately, our card opened the little gate AND the big door.  At that time, the exit door was still open, and only the little gate down.   I talked to the guy at the desk in the hotel and he told me that the big doors would be open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, but that our gate card would work any time.  Trouble is, we have to get inside the garage to get our car and its card.  When I pointed that out, he showed me the secret, guests-only, always-open fire door that goes down a flight of stairs into the garage.

    Today when we went to get groceries, the hotel was locked up tight, the elevators were not working. and both the big doors were shut.   So much for being open from 7 to 5.  We had to walk most of the way around the hotel to the driveway entrance to the garage and the secret,  guests-only, always-open fire door.  We went down the stairs and found ourselves at the fire door, which was being held open by a pipe laying in the doorway.  If anybody moves that pipe, we will be locked out.  I wasn't too impressed by that version of "always-open", you may be sure!  Beyond that, we went down more steps to the -2 level of the garage and finally got to our car.

    We got our groceries just fine.  Last week, we stumbled across a place that was selling little carts for carrying groceries.  They are like a moving dolly, but with a big cloth bag to hold your stuff.  I bought the heaviest one they had, which might hold up to a small amount of abuse.  I bought some 6 x 2-litre bottles of my favorite refreshing beverage, and the 6-pack fit inside the bag perfectly.  Now, even gimpy as I am, I can get the goods home.

    So, even though it is now officially a pain in the knee to walk around the hotel, down the stairs, and across uneven ground to get to our car, it is still a better arrangement than it was in the other place.  As long as the pipe lays there peacefully, that is.

1 comment:

Jim Ashurst said...

We're starting to see limits on toilet paper here in USA again. I don't know if it will get like it was at the first of this virus but looks like we'll have some problem.