Saturday, March 14, 2020

The biggest reason to stay

In my last post I listed reasons to go home, and reasons to stay.  I left off the biggest reason to stay - we WANT to be here.  We chose this mission so we could live in Croatia and travel around the Adriatic.  We wanted to learn about the country, meet the people who live here, and learn the language.  We haven't done any of those things, except that we have learned that the people are lovely.  Why would we want to go home now?!?  We wouldn't.
  We had a group video call with the mission president today and we all have the option to stay.  Several senior couples have elected to return home, but most are content to stay. 
  We are self-quarantining ourselves.  The young missionaries continue to tract and make street contacts, but only with six feet between themselves and their contacts.  It's hard for them, but they have remarkably good attitudes.  The difference is this.  Most healthy young people will not have any trouble shaking the COVID virus.  Seniors are another matter.  The high death rate from this virus is largely among older people.  So we seniors get to stay, but we have to maintain social distancing diligently.  We bought some more food today, so that we can stay home, but we are missing one essential item.  We didn't bring a thermometer!  So, I will have to make another foray to the drug store on Monday.
  Tomorrow, we will have a virtual sacrament meeting over video conferencing for all the branches in Croatia and Bosnia, but not with sacrament.  We are also planning to have a virtual sacrament meeting with all our kids tomorrow afternoon, because all church meetings, Worldwide, are cancelled until the pandemic has run its course.
   The amazing thing about our mission is that the kids are using Marco Polo app to talk to each other and share everything they are doing like they've never done before.  Our amazing prophets told us we need to become a family centered, church supported people, and the Coronna virus and our mission has made it true.  The virus has changed EVERYTHING!

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